Welcome to fodjan!
… the modern online platform for feeding management.
fodjan smart feeding
With us, smart feeding means having all the data at your fingertips and an intelligent assistant at your side to simplify the work involved in feeding.

[fodjan] = old germanic: “to feed”
How the ancient Germans pronounced fodjan has not been handed down to us. But we simply say fodjan, not “fudjan” or “fodschan” – simply fodjan.
Our vision
Decision-making tools for the livestock operation of the future.
Feeding is constantly becoming more digital. That is why we are continuously developing our applications and networking internationally active partners from agricultural engineering, feed production, consulting and feed laboratories with our software. Feeding-related data thus flow securely together in one place and become valuable decision-making aids for the livestock farm of the future.

“We believe in the sustainable opportunities of data-driven animal feeding in a digitally connected future.”
Carsten Gieseler
CEO & Co-Founder of fodjan

Four founders. One vision.
This is how fodjan started
It all started with the idea that Carsten Gieseler, who studied agriculture and business administration, had for simplifying the calculation of rations. From his studies, he developed the first fodjan web version together with Michael Schütze (business economist), Johannes Völker (backend development), Daniel Schreck (frontend development) and Paul Völker (algorithm specialist).

Growth with IT expertise and agricultural know-how.
Intelligently networked feeding data
The fodjan online ration calculation has grown into a web platform that revolutionizes feeding with its own app and numerous customer developments and is unique on the market in terms of scope and modernity. The four fodjan founders now lead an 18-person team of specialists in the fields of agriculture, IT and project management.
With fodjan successful in practice:
fodjan international
The future of feeding management
fodjan is not only involved in projects with farms and agribusiness, but also in research projects. In this way, we want to play a key role in advancing digital technology in livestock farming.
News about fodjan: