Save feed costs like Marc Bernhardt

„fodjan made it possible to combine our own feeds more efficiently“

As a dairy farmer, I want to feed my animal’s need- and yield-based. In the face of a decreasing milk price and fluctuating feedstuff prices, I have to keep an eye on my feed costs at any time. fodjan Pro offers me the possibility to include both equally in my feed planning.

150 dairy cows


Marc from Saxony in Germany

My start with fodjan

In my opinion, the entry into the software is very easy and very intensively supported by the fodjan team. A phone call or an email is enough and help is provided very quickly and easily.

„Since I’ve been using fodjan, I save about 10% of the feed costs“

That’s what we achieved with fodjan

Find new rations more flexibly

Due to a large number of possible rations, I can easily find cheaper feed mixtures. Also, the time consuming extensive trying to find a suitable ration is eliminated. Furthermore, I can react more flexibly to different availability of feedstuffs.

Improve feed health

fodjan takes into account all health requirements of the dairy cow depending on the milk yield and lactation section. I just have to decide which ration of the proposed is the most suitable for my cows. fodjan also shows me feedstuffs which would improve my current ration.

Save feed costs like Marc:

fodjan Pro

The all-inclusive package

With fodjan Pro you can plan rations more comprehensively and use all interfaces. As a consultant you can also manage several farms with dairy cows, fattening cattle and pigs.