New: Sell and buy feed in fodjan

With the menu item “Offers” in the main menu item “Feedstuffs” of fodjan, fodjan offers for the first time the possibility of a feed exchange and trade market.

  • As a farm, you can post feed quantities for sale to other farms.
  • As a farm and advisor, you can also see what feed is available for your farm and keep an eye on price trends.
  • As a trader, you can post feed for trading to farms in your sales area.
  • As a trader, you also have the option of automating the posting of your offers via fodjan and forwarding orders directly to your system for processing. If you are interested, please contact

In addition to farm-to-farm offers, we are pleased to announce our pilot project with “BAT Agrar”! It is now possible to purchase rapeseed meal from BAT in certain regions of Germany directly via fodjan and view the current prices.

Follow us here to find out… what will be possible with this function in the future, what it can already do in detail and how you can take your first steps as a retailer or prospective buyer in fodjan, regardless of whether you are already using fodjan or not:

New: Transparent management of feed contracts and the range of purchased and own feedstuffs

Lernen Sie unsere neuen Funktionen kennen in diesem 5-Minuten-Kurzvideo:


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Sie wollen mehr erfahren?

  • Ein Einführungsvideo, dass Ihnen das Tool ausführlicher erklärt
  • Tipps zum Umgang mit selbst geernteten Futtermitteln
  • Tipps zu Hofmischungen
  • Tipps zum Management mehrerer Standorte

und mehr haben wir Ihnen hier aufbereitet:

New: “Advised farmer” – Working together with 2 new licences in fodjan

The “Advised farmer” licences (the two in the middle of the graphic) are an exclusive benefit for farmers who work together with their advisors in fodjan. It includes a set of rights adapted to the practice and lower prices than the full farmer licence – there is a free licence (see middle left) and an extended, low-cost “Advised farmer (limited)” licence (see middle right).

Get to know more about it here.

Right-click on the image and click “Open image in new tab” to enlarge the view

Merry Christmas and a good start to 2024!

We wish everyone happy holidays and a motivated start to 2024!
In case of emergencies, our support team will of course be there for you over Christmas and New Year – by e-mail to
All the best!
Your fodjan team 🎅