Help » Ration planning » Create concentrate feeding station

Create concentrate feeding station

Milking robots in fodjan

Required: fodjan Pro Dairy (then also visible in the app) | User rights: admin, owner or writing

In fodjan, you have the option of creating concentrate feeding stations for your feed groups. This allows you to plan rations clearly if you also feed via a concentrate feeding station or your milking robot, for example. In addition, you can then precisely document the feed consumption at the feeding station in fodjan.

  1. Go to Animal groups in the left menu.
  2. Move the mouse over the feed group where you want to create a concentrate feeding station and click the “Edit” button.
  1. Scroll down to “Feeding station”. There you will see two grayed-out feeding stations (feeding station, feeding station 2). Click on the right side in one of the two feeding stations on the field that currently says “Inactive”.

After activation, the field turns green and is labelled “Active”. You can now do the settings for the feeding station (see subsequent sections).

At the top, you can first enter the description for the concentrate feeding station.

Below this, the data for feed intake, milk yield, limits for RNB (Min. RNB and Max. RNB) and the maximum number of concentrates (Max. number of concentrates) are given.

Attention! These values are based on the animal with the highest yield, so that this animal also continues to be sufficiently supplied with structure despite the use of a concentrate feeding station and there is no risk of rumen acidosis.

Recommendation to RNB:

  • In RNB, the values should be not negative if possible and close to “0”, otherwise a decrease in milk yield and feed intake can be expected as well as possibly metabolic diseases (e.g., rumen acidosis due to a too high proportion of easily digestible carbohydrates or liver stress due to a too high proportion of usable crude protein) [Source]
  • However, it is also possible that you do not enter any limits here. Then there are no restrictions at the concentrate feeding station regarding the RNB.

Also note your settings per feed group here.

In the ration overview (left menu Rations > Overview) you can see under each ration by the displays and key figures whether a feed station is activated. It is then indicated here individually how much milk can be reached from the partial ration from the feed fence and how much can be reached by the concentrate feeding station, furthermore the total amount “Milk from ration”.

If at least one feeding station has been created in the feed group and a ration with feeding station has been created, you can also see a corresponding view “Concentrates” in the ration.

To do so, go to Rations > Overview in the left menu and select the feed group in which you have created the feeding station. Click here on the wanted ration or the eye symbol in it’s row. An additional “Concentrates” tab appears there at the top.

On the far-right side of the figure, the maximum for the milk yield from the total ration is shown.

The milk yield from the total ration is calculated as follows:

  • milk from feed fence
  • milk from feeding station 1 and, if necessary, milk from feeding station 2

If you have entered the roughage supplanting factor in the basic data of the feed group, this will also be taken into account. This means that the part of the concentrate station ration that contains basic feed (also roughage or coarse feed, shown in the stock with a green dot) is eaten less at the feed table by the set factor.

For example: if you add e.g. 1 kg dry matter of a feedstuff in the station and have set the supplanting factor 0.5, this 1kg now displaces exactly 0.5 kg (dry matter) in total of the roughages of the feed table ration. The roughage mixture at the feed table is reduced in its composition, i.e. proportionally for each roughage feedstuff.

Consequently, the milk yield is also calculated on the basis of this feed quantity: max. concentrate quantity * roughages supplanting factor + sum of kg fresh matter from the feed table.

More about the topic “milk yield per ration” also here.

Feeding stations can only be created with fodjan Pro. As a fodjan Pro user, however, you can then also switch between feed fence and feeding station in your ration view in the app:

  1. To doso, go to Feeding in the menu below.
  1. Select the corresponding feed group.
  2. Open below under “Further rations” – ” Planned” (feeding start in the future), “Fed” (other rations with feeding start incl. current ration) or “Saved” (rations without feeding start) the ration, depending on the location of the corresponding ration for which you have activated a feeding station in fodjan Pro.
  1. Click on the corresponding ration and go to “Edit” in the upper right corner.

The partial ration “Feed fence” is displayed. Click at the top of the field where it says “Feed fence”. Select “Feeding station” and go to “Done”. The partial ration of the feeding station will then be displayed.

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See also

Mastering feed group settings
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Create, edit and delete animal groups
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Set ingredient requirements per feed group
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Edit minerals
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Set feedstuff limits properly
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