Help » Ration planning » Edit minerals

Edit minerals

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In the following, we will show how you can change the requirements for quantity and trace elements as well as for vitamins. These requirements flow into the algorithm for ration optimisation and can thus help to keep a better eye on costs or feed health, for example.

You can change and set which values are displayed – see here.

Note: To find out how you can adjust the requirements for energy, protein, carbohydrates and structure, see here. To adjust feed limits read here.

  1. Go to Animal Groups in the left menu.
  2. Move the mouse over the feed group in which you want to make adjustments to the quantity or trace elements and/or vitamins. Click on the button “Requirements”.
  1. Click on “Minerals” at the top.
  1. You will get to the overview of trace and bulk elements as well as vitamins.
  • Here the requirement range of the ingredients is indicated with minimum (min.) and maximum (max.) among each other once with the amount per day and once with the amount per kg DM.
  • In the column Requirement it is indicated whether the requirements currently come from the model (model) or from own data (own) or none are set (none).

How to edit the requirements of quantity and trace elements or vitamins is explained in a separate section below.

To the right of the table you can enter the following limits for mineral feeds:

Note: The limits for all mineral feeds together are given here. You can read how to specify the requirement range for the individual bulk and trace elements or vitamins in the section “Editing bulk and trace elements or vitamins”.

  1. Min. feed intake (DM): Specifies the minimum amount of kg DM of mineral feed to be taken in per animal and day.
  2. Max. Maximum feed intake: Specifies the maximum amount of mineral feed to be consumed per animal and day.
  3. Max. Number of feeds: Specifies the maximum number of mineral feeds to be fed per ration.

Click on the “Save” button after the adjustment has been made.

Note: The limits entered here only affect the optimisation of rations for minerals in the ration catalogue. The limits have no effect on other requirements in the rations.

In addition to the mineral feed limits, you can also set the range for the requirements of the individual bulk and trace elements or vitamins.

In order to adjust the requirements of bulk and trace elements as well as vitamins, you can simply click on the value or the “-” in the table in the column “Requirement range” under “min.” or “max.” and enter your change.

As soon as you enter manual changes in the demand, the item in the “Demand” column automatically changes to “Own”.

If you do not want to include a quantity or trace element or vitamin in your calculation, select “none” in the “Requirement” column.

If you want to use the settings of the feed model again for a quantity or trace element or for a vitamin that you have edited, select in the column “Requirement” > “Model”.

If you want to reset all changes to the settings from the feed model, go to the top right of the corresponding icon and confirm that you want to reset the requirements.

After adjusting the minerals, you can, for example, create your rations or set the feed limits.

If the mineral requirements are not met, you can view the optimal and cheapest mineral feeds for your ration.

  1. Go to Rations > Overview in the left menu.
  2. Click on the desired feed group.
  3. Click on the eye symbol for the desired ration.
  1. Go to “Minerals” at the top.
  1. If the mineral requirements have not been sufficiently met, a suggestion for the optimal mineralisation of the ration appears at the top. If you want to accept the suggestion, click on the blue “+” symbol. Some suggestions allow you to include several feedstuffs in the ration at once as the optimal mineral mix.

View: Include optimal mineral feed mixture

Note: Only mineral feeds that are in your stock or that can be found in the set feed database are displayed here. If the ration does not meet certain requirements, there must therefore also be a corresponding feed in your herd or in the feed database for the corresponding ingredient. You can find out how to add a feed to your herd here.

View: Selecting the optimal feed from several suggestions

  1. Then go to the bottom right and click on the button “Save mineralisation”. The optimal mineral mixture for this ration has now been saved.

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See also

Create, edit and delete rations
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Change displayed nutrients of the ration
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What is „Milk yield per ration”?
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Ration scaling to a quantity target
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Mastering feed group settings
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