Help » Documentation » Documentation Livestock

Documentation Livestock

Recommendation: Before you start documenting livestock key figures, we recommend that you read the help article Introduction: Documentation in fodjan. There we explain many general functions that you will also find in the livestock documentation.

In fodjan you can document e.g. number of animals and Ø lactation day. These then automatically feed your reprots, for example in feeding controlling.

Required user rights: Write rights, owner or admin.

Go to Documentation > Livestock in the left menu.

Go to Number of animals in the upper left corner. At the top right you can choose between herd and group.

You can now enter the number of animals manually. If the feed mixer interface is set up, values can also be imported from there (green values). Values are updated from the last modification date (grey). You can confirm grey and green values on the right with “Accept values” or discard them with “Remove values”.

If the values are documented per group, the values are automatically added up for the herd.

Go to Lactation day (average) at the top left.

At the top right you can choose between herd and group.

The average lactation day can currently only be entered manually. It is not updated.

In the menu at the bottom, go to Reports. Then click on Documentation at the top. Alternatively, you can access it via quick access on the overview page.

You can document the number of animals and Ø lactation day below.

Click on number of animals.

The number of animals can only be documented per day and only at group level. In addition, the number of animals not milked in the respective group can be entered here.

The values are updated automatically.

Click on Lactation Day (average).

The Ø Lactation Day can only be documented for a specific day. Documentation can be done on herd or group level.

An automatic update of the values will not occur.

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See also

"Feed Now" – Function Explained (fodjan App)
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Introduction: Documentation in fodjan
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Documentation Milk
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Documentation Feeding
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Evaluate actually fed amounts
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