Ingredients are not calculated / displayed
The displayed ingredients in your ration (ration sheet), in your ration exports or e.g., in the feed health evaluation are based on the settings of your feeding model. You cannot adjust these in the fodjan app – that is reserved for fodjan Pro users only.

The displayed ingredients can only be customized with a fodjan Pro license – How exactly, you can read here.
If ingredients are displayed as a column in the ration sheet, but the values per feedstuff are 0 or incorrect from your point of view, there may be three possible reasons:
- There is no value for this ingredient in your feedstuff. If it is a feedstuff from the database, there may not be a value for this feedstuff for this ingredient. If you have taken over the values from a feed analysis into your stock (instructions see here), this ingredient may have not been analyzed by the laboratory.
- The ingredient is not activated in the feeding model
- In addition, it is possible that this ingredient is a calculated value from other ingredients. If they are not activated in the feeding model (because not included by default in the model or manually switched off by you), the value cannot be calculated and shows 0. Example NFC: For example, the value NFC is not activated by default in the German feeding model “fodjan Dairy Cow DE”. So, if you switch it on in the feeding model, the partial values needed for the calculation are not automatically activated as well. In this case, you must make sure that you have also activated Ash, CP, CL+bestCL and NDF.
If you are unable to determine the reason for a null column or incorrect values for one of your ingredients, feel free to contact our support.
See also
What is „Milk yield per ration”?
Read more >
Create, edit and delete rations
Read more >
Change displayed nutrients of the ration
Read more >
Notification: Settings of the feed group are not complied with
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Ration scaling to a quantity target
Read more >
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