Help » Introduction to fodjan » Notification bell

Notification bell

In the notification bell in the top right corner of fodjan Pro, you will be informed about new developments on your farms, e.g., new feed analyses received, new functions in fodjan and much more. In the fodjan App you can activate push notifications for these messages.

Note for fodjan Pro: Principally, every user on a farm with the corresponding user rights receives the notifications. Users with reader rights do not receive a reminder to enter documentation and do not receive feed attest notifications.

What will I be informed about by the notification bell?

Notifications are generated per farm in fodjan, but each user can decide for him/herself which of these notifications he/she wants to be displayed – more about this in the following sections.

fodjan can inform you about the following topics depending on your settings:

  • Changes or new features in fodjan
  • New feed analyses
  • Reminders to maintain documentation

You can find the fodjan notification bell in the top right corner of fodjan Pro. The number of new messages is displayed in colour.

Unread messages have a green stripe on the left, read messages have a grey stripe. A message is considered “read” when you have either clicked on “View now” or on “mark as read”.

Unread message:

Read message:

  • With a click on “read” the message can be marked green again (marked as unread).
  • Clicking on “View now” will take you directly to the corresponding page in fodjan, where you can learn more details or perform any related actions. If several farms are created, the message link will automatically take you to the other farm.
  • Via “delete” you can delete the corresponding notification.
  • Using the eye icon at the top, you can mark all messages as read at once.
  • You can delete all messages using the trash icon at the top.

Basically, every user is notified about news in their user account via the notification bell, however, you have the option to turn the notifications on and off individually.  

  • After clicking on the notification bell, there is the eye icon on the far left, which can be used to mark all notifications as read with one click.
  • Next to it the delete button with which all messages can be deleted at once
  • and on the far right the wheel to make notification settings. By simply clicking the sliders, you can individually determine over which notifications you want to be informed.

To return to the notification view, click the arrow icon in the upper right corner.

There is no notification bell in the app like in fodjan Pro. Here you can receive the following notifications via push notifications:

  • Changes or new features in fodjan
  • New feed analyses
  • Reminders to maintain documentation

Note: By default, notifications are activated.

To activate or deactivate the notifications, go through the following steps:

  1. Click Administration in the bottom menu.
  1. Go to “App Settings” at the bottom.
  1. Go to Notifications at the top.

This takes you to the settings of your phone. Adjust here in which form you want to receive messages.

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See also

Invite users and manage user rights
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Advised farmer
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Adviser cockpit in fodjan Pro
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How to use approvals, comments & descriptions effectively
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"Overview" page in fodjan Pro
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