Change displayed nutrients of the ration

Required: fodjan Pro | User rights: write rights, owner or admin

In your ration you can see the values for the nutrients of the feedstuffs contained. You can adjust these displayed nutrients according to your wishes.

In fodjan Pro you are shown the nutrients in your ration that have a requirement from the feed model or a requirement that you have set yourself.

The activated nutrients in the feed model are a default setting for all feed groups, which you can adjust individually. You can individualise them with the settings for each feed group.

Recommendation: We recommend that you only make changes to the presettings that have actually proven themselves in practical feeding. If too many changes are made, the feed health score (FHE) may then quickly slip into the red zone and fodjan will no longer hand out ration suggestions if the changes are too strict, for example. If necessary, also get the experience of your advisers or veterinarian here.

  • To see which nutrients are currently activated in the display and to adjust them if necessary, please go to the corresponding feed group (via the menu “Animal groups” > select corresponding feed group > select tab “Requirements”).
  1. All nutrients that are marked with “Model” or “Own” and have values in the columns in front of them are visible in your ration. Learn more about feed group requirements here: Edit ingredient requirements per feed group.
Is the nutrient not yet present in the feed group requirements or should it be removed?
  1. Go to Administration > Feed Model in the left menu.
  2. Here you can choose between Requirements and Minerals, depending on which nutrients you want to add.

Don’t forget to check this for each of your groups if necessary!

  • Under Requirements you will find the following: Energy, Fats, Protein, Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Structure and Other (e.g. ELOS, Urea, …).
  • Under Minerals you will find the following: Vitamins, bulk elements and trace elements.
  1. Certain ingredients are preset, these have a tick in the column “Use”.
  • If you do not want to use a nutrient, click on the tick, the tick disappears.
  • If you want to add a nutrient, click on the empty box and the ingredient will be ticked.

Attention! All nutrients that do not have a tick here are not displayed in your ration views and are not taken into account in the ration optimisation. However, values that were stored for these nutrients will not be deleted. As soon as you select the nutrient here again, the stored value in the feedstuff is still there.

  1. Confirm your changes at the bottom right with the button “Save all”.

You will see the changed nutrients once on your ration sheet, you can also find more about the ration sheet here.

  1. Go to Rations > Overview in the left menu.
  2. Click on the desired feed group.
  3. Select the desired ration.
  4. Select “Ration sheet” at the top. Here you will find an overview of all ingredients. Your changes are also included here.

On the other hand, you will also see the changed nutrients on the “Evaluation” printout. You can find out how to find this here.

If nutrients are not displayed or the nutrients have a 0 for all feeds, this article will help you: Ingredients are not calculated / displayed

You cannot change the displayed nutrients of the ration in the app, but you can view them in the ration sheet there, too:

  1. Go to Feeding in the menu at the bottom.
  1. Select the desired feed group.
  2. Select into one of the three categories planned, fed or stored, depending on what your desired ration is in.
  3. Select the desired ration.
  4. Click on “Show ration sheet”. There you will also see the changed ingredients.

You can reset individual or all changes to the nutrients. This will restore the default setting of the individual nutrient or all nutrients as included in the basic fodjan feed model for your country.

To reset individual changes, please check:

We have described how to find and operate both in the previous section.

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See also

Create, edit and delete rations
Read more >

What is „Milk yield per ration”?
Read more >

Ration scaling to a quantity target
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Edit minerals
Read more >

Page "Ration overview" in fodjan Pro – explained
Read more >

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