Ration planning and optimisation
Welcome to the heart of fodjan! We originally started with ration planning and optimisation and are still proud to be a part of your personal success in feeding. Here you will learn how to work with feed groups and rations in fodjan, how to map feeding special cases and finally how to find new rations to fit your feeding strategy with our optimisation functions.

Popular articles on ration planning
What is „Milk yield per ration”?
Mastering feed group settings
Create, edit and delete rations
All help articles on ration planning and optimisation

Animal groups

FAQ, troubleshooting and tricks
- What does ‘milk yield per ration’ mean?
- Feed health evaluation red – what to do?
- Notification: Reevaluate ration
- Notification: Settings of the feed group are not complied with
- Error message for minerals
- My ration has two colored bars on the left side. What does that mean?
- Why is a feedstuff in a ration grayed out?
- Ingredients are not calculated / displayed
- Ration scaling to a quantity target
- Special cases in feeding

Ration optimisation and finding new rations
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