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Working together in fodjan

Collaboration in fodjan – use cases:

Feeding management is teamwork, we see this particularly often here:

  • when planning rations during feed changes
  • optimising health and milk yield
  • in daily feeding routines
  • documenting the quantities fed and other key figures important for the farm
  • keeping all up to date together – e.g. with new feed analyses and MLPs

Often the farm managers, animal production managers or herd managers work closely with the feeders on the farm, but also with external advisors such as veterinarians or feeding advisors.

This is exactly what fodjan wants to support you in.

  1. Automatically synchronous on all devices:

fodjan is a secure cloud-based platform. This means you can use fodjan on multiple devices, e.g. the fodjan app on your smartphone and fodjan Pro on your PC or laptop and all data is synchronised if you have internet. This means that you have a consistently up-to-date data status on all devices.

  1. Multiple users on your fodjan farm:

In fodjan, you can add several users, assign individual user rights and thus precisely regulate the access of each individual. This means you always have control over who can see and edit your data.

You can find out how to add users and what user rights there are in this help article: Invite users and manage rights.

Other functions, such as the use of approvals, comments or the displayed editor icon to see who created/last edited a ration, also help to structure collaboration.

Here, too, all data is synchronised for every user and every device when they access the internet. This creates a common working level on which you can coordinate well without having to send a lot of emails or WhatsApps back and forth first. But if you do want to do that – here comes point 3:

  1. Share easily and quickly

Both in fodjan Pro in the browser and on the fodjan app, rations and other data can be shared quickly. In the app, there is a share icon, which can be used to quickly send rations via email, WhatsApp or whatever channel you want. In fodjan Pro you also have the option of PDF exports – read more here: Export, print and share rations.

When it comes to cooperation in fodjan, farmer and adviser most often work together. Often we see 3 different cases in practice.

We would like to briefly show you below how you can best structure the user rights for all 3 cases.

The farmer has a fodjan farm and now wants to bring his adviser on board.

It’s simple: You as a farmer simply add your adviser, if he does not yet have a fodjan licence, as a user to your fodjan farm.

Here we recommend

  • Reading rights, if the adviser is only to be kept up to date
  • or writing rights, if one wants to work together on the rations

You can find out how to assign rights and add users here.


The adviser has an adviser account in fodjan and would now like to invite his farmers to participate.

You can decide freely which amount of privileges you want to assign.

Here is an overview of decision-making for advisers:

Click on the image to view it in large size. When the picture opens, you can also zoom in as you wish.

You can find out more about the differences in rights and how to add users here.

More about the advised farmer licence and the co-earning model in fodjan here.

Both (adviser and farmer) already have a fodjan licence and now want to work together.

There are several options for this:

  • You agree on a farm you want to work with and the access rights each of you should get. The one who is currently the admin or owner of the farm then adds the other. Contact support (mail to if you want to delete or cancel a farm you no longer use.


  • Everyone stays on their own farm – this is also possible and is often chosen, for example, when farmer and advisor do not use the same version of fodjan (in the case of individualised fodjan versions for the advisory company). Nevertheless, you can, for example, give each other read or even write rights and then have access to both farms. You can find out how to switch between farms here.

DISADVANTAGE: Customer numbers for interfaces can sometimes only be used on one farm. Therefore, sometimes the same interfaces cannot be activated for both of you.

You can find out more about the differences in rights and how to add users here.

Get practical impressions of the collaboration in fodjan: Here our users report about their working methods with fodjan: fodjan customer voices.

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First steps in fodjan: Our recommendations
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App, Premium, Pro: Which fodjan package is right for me?
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